How to SSH to SVN (Subversion) by using PuTTY?

Subversion (SVN) is a popular system for version control used to manage and track changes in source code and other files. To protect data integrity and secrecy, it is usual practice to use secure protocols such as SSH while accessing an SVN repository. PuTTY, a popular terminal emulator for Windows, is useful for securely communicating with an SVN server via an SSH tunnel.

By using PuTTY you can also connect to RDS database from Windows EC2 instance.

The following steps are required to connect to SVN using PuTTY:

Download and install PuTTY and PuTTYgen: If you haven’t already, download and install PuTTY and PuTTYgen on your local computer. They are available on the official website.

Make SSH Key Pairs:

Start PuTTYgen on your Windows computer.
Select the key type and key length.
To generate a new key, click the “Generate” button.

Click “Save public key” and “Save private key” to save the public and private keys, respectively.
Copy the public key to the SVN server:
To enable secure access, copy the created public key and paste it into the /.ssh/authorized_keys file on your SVN server.

Setup a PuTTY session:

In the “Hostname” area of the PuTTY Configuration window, enter the SVN server hostname or IP address.
Set the port to 22 and the connection type to SSH.

Set up Authentication:

On the left side, go to Connection > SSH > Auth.
When you double-click Auth, the Credential option will show.
Select “Browse” and browse to the previously saved private key file.

Session Saving:

Return to the “Session” category.
Enter in the “Saved Sessions” section with a name and click “Save” to save the session.

Connect to Server:

Click the “Open” button to begin the connection.
When asked, enter your username and password.
You can now use PuTTY’s command line interface to connect to the SVN server in a secure manner.

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